1.When the disciples questioned Jesusdecision to go to Bethany Jesus answered them withArent there 12 hours in a day?Jesus answered. If anyone walks during the day, he doesnt stumble, because he sees the light of this world. If anyone walks during the night, he does stumble, because the light is not in him.” (John 11:9-10)What did he mean?

2.Why was Jesus glad that he wasnt with Lazarus when he died?

3.What does it say about Thomas when he said,Lets go so that we may die with Him?” (11:16)

4.Why do you think that some people, even when confronted with somebody coming back from the dead still refuse to believe what their eyes have seen?

5.How could it be that Gods own priests, those who ministered before him daily in the temple could still remain so detached from the obvious signs of God?

6.Were told that in the last days the Beast will do incredible miracles, there will even be an imitation resurrection. (Rev. 13:3) Is there a lesson here that we can learn from the priests of Jesustime?

7.How can we avoid falling into the trap of being too skeptical or not skeptical enough?

8.What do you think of Caiaphassolution, do you think there is ever a time when someone should be sacrificed for the sake of the many?